Havealargeroundedshapethatallowsthemtotakeloadsfrommanydirectionswithoutdevelopingsignificantsideload.Usewithmultiple-legslings,connectingslingstoloadrings,andaccommodatingawiderstrap.Thescrewpinconfi MORE
Also called D-shackle due to itsDshape,use in straight line pulls or lifts only,are excellent for use with single leg webing slings such as Nylon slings and Polyester slings. When paired with chain, they provide a connecting link to connect MORE
Bolt type safety anchor shackles can be used in applications where round pin or screw pin shackles are used. Bolt type shackle is a better choice in permanent or long-term applications, or if theres a risk of a load sliding on the shackle p MORE
Bolttypechainshackleswiththinheadbolt-nutwithcotterpin.MeetstherequirementsoffederalspecificationRR-C-271DTupeIVB.grandA.Class1.usedinapplicationswhereroundpinorscrewpinshacklesareused.However,aboltty MORE
Round Pin Anchor Shackles Meet the requirements of Federal Specification RR-C-271D Tupe IVA.Grade A.Classl. MORE
Round Pin Anchor Shackles Meet the requirements of Federal Specification RR-C-271D Tupe IVA.Grade A.Classl. MORE
Commercial shackles are easily identified by the pin and body material being manufactured from the same diameter. The shackles are manufactured using superior grade raw material as per international qualitative standards. Our range of comme MORE
Commercial shackles are easily identified by the pin and body material being manufactured from the same diameter. The shackles are manufactured using superior grade raw material as per international qualitative standards. Our range of comme MORE
Weld-on lifting Deck or Eye platesare ideal for securing a lifting or lashing point when there are none available. The deck plates feature a flat rectangular base which can be easily welded onto surfaces such as the hull or the deck of a bo MORE
Hook Hook Turnbuckle is a very common steel turnbuckle throughout the rigging industry.the hook on the end makes for easy connections/disconnections for the turnbuckle.with the body of the turnbuckle having a reverse thread on each end, it MORE
Hook Eye turnbuckles feature end fittings that have been heat-treated utilizing its perfected quenched and tempered or normalizing methods. This develops a tougher material that ensures reliable performance in critical applications. Turnbuc MORE
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